
How to create a LinkedIn Group?

Hi Welcome to my Blog, let me show you how to create a LinkedIn group, go to LinkedIn main dashboard go to work up in the upper right handcorner click on groups that we’re goingto click on my groups then you click oncreate so here’s my new group and Load alogo ok that looks good and here we’regoing to write a description of thegroup I won’t go through the whole thinghere I’ll just fill in a few blanks andupdate it later here you want to put inyour group rules you definitely want toput in rules of what people can post howthey should act you know basically yourTerms of Service just like on yourwebsite so if people violate the grouprules then you can you know reach out tothem and tell them to stop selfpromoting or whatever your rule is andif they don’t then you can remove themfrom the group you know with LinkedIngroups if you get penalized in a groupit can affect all of your groups soyou’re really careful not to abusegroups I know a lot of moderators arepretty slack’s on the rules of theirgroups but if you get flagged by someonea group moderator it can really affectyour group activity so you have astandard group or an unlisted group so astandard group is if you want to letother people invite other bit but youwant to grow make it viral and you wanta large group that’s open you choosestandard group if you want to unlistedgroup like I have a LinkedIn coursecalled linked accelerator and I have aprivate group for that so I don’t wanteverybody to be in there it’s aprivilege to be able to come into thatgroup so I would choose unlisted in thatcase let’s just go a Save Changes andhere I can invite my connections andI’ve also with this pre-approved byemail domain so say you work for Adobecom you can actually pre-approve anybodythat has an email address from Adobe comso if it’s an Adobe related groupthey’re all included automatically youdon’t have to approve themotherwise you wouldn’t want to do youhave to go in here and moderate thegroups but I’ll get into that laterI’m showing you how to manage yourgroups and that’s really it that’s howyou start your group and get it goingnow it’s time to invite people to themand then the next video I’ll show youhow to moderate that groupEnglish (auto-generated)

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